Today, we bring you.......
Mango Blueberry Chia Pudding
(Also, leave some fresh blueberries for your pup)
3 tbsp. Chia Seeds(does not need to be Organic)
1 cup Mango Nector
Handful of Blueberries
- Mix Chia Seeds and 3/4 Mango Nector in a small cup. Put in the fridge for about 10-15 minutes. You can leave over night as well for next day's breakfast.
- Take mixture out and add the remaining 1/4 cup of Mango Nector. (We don't like it to be dry so adding extra liquid makes it taste better)
- Top with blueberries and enjoy!
NOTE-Make sure you MIX the mixture really well or it will clump up and some seeds will not have the luxury to absorb the flavors.
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